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Sports Premium

PE Funding and Impact 2021-22

In March 2013 the government announced that it was to provide funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015 to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools in England – The Primary PE and Sport Premium.

This funding is allocated to primary school headteachers. The funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. 

In 2021 the Department for Education confirmed that the funding would continue, at £320 million. 

The premium must be used to fund improvements to the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of primary-aged pupils in the academic year to give them the opportunity to develop a healthy lifestyle.

We have had the freedom to choose how to spend this additional funding on improving the provision of PE and sport at our school. Great Milton C of E Primary School understands the importance of physical activity and has put several measures in place over the last four years to provide good quality PE teaching, resourcing the subject and also promoting outdoor education in our grounds and wider community.


Has the grant been spent on external coaches?



When are the coaches being deployed e.g. within the curriculum, during breaks and lunch times, or after school?


What is the quality of the coaching provided e.g. satisfactory, good, outstanding?


We use funding to ensure high quality sports coaching for children and CPD for adults in school. They introduce new sports and encourage more children to participate in sporting events. We also use the funding for a tennis coach to deliver small group sessions for all pupils throughout the year. This provides all pupils with the opportunity to develop tennis skills. 


They deliver expertise for the PE curriculum, train play leaders at break and lunchtimes and offer an after school multi-sport club. They liaise with PE lead to participate in local and county events and organise regular matches against other local schools.


The quality of the coaching is good and lesson plans are regularly shared and teaching monitored.



Has your school entered more competitions this year?


Provide examples of the range of competitions entered this year.



We pay into the Wheatley Partnership Sports programme led by PE teachers at Wheatley Park School. Students at Wheatley Park develop their sports leadership skills by supporting primary pupils at competitive events.  


We competed at Quad Kids athletics event, netball tournaments and attended the Toplink PE Festival at Wheatley Park School. Cross country events. 



What other areas has your school used the Primary Sports Premium Funding for?


We continually purchase new equipment for EYFS, KS1 and KS2

The funding has enabled our Key Stage 2 pupils to access swimming lessons during the school year, including 'top up' lessons for those who need it. 

Transport to competitions. 

Clubs and Activities
What extra-curricular sporting activities do you offer?

Dance Club

Multi Sports club

Football Club

Summer Athletics Club

Tennis coaching

Plans for the coming year


  • We are sending teaching staff on a swimming course.
  • We are planning many matches against local schools in different sports.
  • Our sports coach has increased their time working with us.
  • Tennis coaching will continue for all classes.
  • Regular use of Active All boards to engage the most reluctant pupils to undertake physical activity in school

  • The school will continue to access events at Wheatley Park Secondary School and Area Sports.
  • Swimming tuition for children in Y3/4. Additional group of KS2 children who cannot swim 25 metres. 
  • Increase the range of sports on offer at school sports day, increase the competitive element and create a more inclusive event. 
  • Enter a team into the Strictly School's Dance competition. Children learn a dance routine and steps for Latin and American ballroom dancing. Following instructions, practising, perfecting movements, working with a partner. 
  • Top up existing equipment to encourage physical activity at playtime.
  • Develop sports leaders in Y5&6 to lead active breaktimes. 



What impact does this have?

  • Children in KS2  will be able to swim 25 metres.
  • Children have 2 hours of timetabled PE per week.
  • The class teachers all teach PE as well as our external coach.
  • Support staff build skills to lead group PE sessions. 
  • Playground equipment is readily available and the children organise this themselves. Children have access to football, cricket and basketball at break times and a playground trolly with different equipment to use and share.
  • Boogie Breaktimes increase physical activity through dance for all children. 

  • Pupils build on their own skills and strive to improve their personal best. 

  • Pupils enjoy participating in competitions and developing good sportsmanship.

  • Pupils feel proud to represent our school at sporting events.