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Thank you for a fabulous first week back. It has been wonderful to welcome two new Barn Owls to our nest, you have both had such a positive start and it feels like you have always been with us. You have all settled back so well after the Christmas break, and we have been super impressed with you all. 

Please have a look at some new information added to this class page, including a home learning topic grid for the term, a timetable of staffing and spellings for the term. As always, home learning is optional, but we would love to see any photos or models that you have made. In addition, we will send home a few maths or English questions to complete in the home learning folders. The spellings will be sent home to practise each week in the individual home learning folders and have been added to this classpage for your information.

Thank you very much for supplying your child with a copy of "The Hodgeheg" by Dick King Smith for our whole class guided reading sessions.

This week the class have begun their work on understanding the importance of online safety.  In PSHE we shared our initial thoughts on how to keep ourselves safe. In history, we started our topic of travel and transport and in science we looked at what plants need to stay healthy. 

In maths, we have made a strong start on subtracting from a 10 and will move onto subtracting across a 10.

Finally, in English, we worked with our table partners following instructions to make an apple bird feeder. We have learnt that it is important to follow instructions in a chronological order and we've learnt what imperative (bossy) verbs are too! We will use these when we write our own instructions.

I would also like to add a heartfelt thank you for all the incredibly generous Christmas gifts you organised at the end of last term. It really was so very kind of you all.

   I'm already looking forward to next week!

Have a restful weekend and stay warm.

Mrs Bennett