School Lunches
We work hard with our catering provider, Oxfordshire County Council and our cook, Lucy, to make sure that our kitchen can produce hot, nutritional meals every day, as well as salads and fresh fruit. We are keen for as many children as possible to have our meals which meet the government nutritional standards and also offer food that the children will enjoy eating.
What we eat has been shown to make a great difference to our health, energy levels and wellbeing. This is particularly important for children. Healthy eating improves children's behaviour and their ability to concentrate at school and at home.
Our hot meals are available at a cost of £2.90 per day. Pupils may bring a packed lunch if they prefer.
Families who receive certain benefits may be eligible for free school meals. Please see below to see if you are eligible or please contact the school office. We will be happy to check for you.
The government funds free school meals for every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Ordering School Lunches
All lunches (paid, free and government funded) must be ordered via the School gateway app and can be amended up until 9.00am on the day.
Activating your School Gateway account is quick and easy to do. All you need is your email address and mobile number that the school holds on record for you.
A user guide is available below.
A menu is available below and includes a vegetarian option. Any other special dietary requirements should be reported to the school office.
Packed Lunches
We are a healthy school and ask that packed lunches are healthy lunches. We actively discourage fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate or crisps. The NHS Website has some good tips on healthy lunch boxes.
We are also a nut free school due to several children having an allergy to nuts. Please note - this also includes peanut butter, Nutella and other branded sandwich spreads of this nature. Please do not let your child bring any nut products into school.
● The main lunchbox item should be based on bread, rice, pasta or potatoes: food that will keep your child fuller for longer.
● Add fruit and veg to the lunchbox: sticks of carrot, cucumber, peppers all count towards their five a day. Bite-sized fruit make it easier for them to eat: chopped apple, peeled satsuma segments, melon slices, halved or quartered grapes etc.
● Reduce the amount of high sugar items in their lunch box. One biscuit bar is more than enough.
● Crisps take a long time to eat at lunchtime and have no nutritional value for your child. Consider an alternative or only include them one day per week.
● Think about the amount of packaging in your child’s lunch box. All the packaging comes home in the lunchbox at the end of the day. This is partly so that you can see how much your child has eaten that day and also to reduce the amount of waste we produce as a school, which is a priority for our pupil council this year.
Breaktime Snacks
EYFS and KS1 have fruit provided by the Department of Education.
KS2 can bring a snack from home for breaktime, if you wish. This snack should be fruit or vegetables, rice cakes or breadsticks and brought in a reusable container (named) to reduce waste.
Everyone should have a named, refillable water bottle in school.