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Eagle Owls Yr 5

Welcome to Year 5

We hope you have all had a restful half-term.

We are looking forward to continuing our 2025 Upper Key Stage 2 journey.

Below you will find some information about this term.

School uniform

Please make sure that the uniform is always of the highest standard and long hair is tied back. More information can be found on our website under 'Our Parents'.


Eagle Owl’s PE lessons will be on a Monday and Thursday. This term you will be developing your basketball and cricket skills. Please come to school in your PE kit ready for these lessons. This term, you will be focusing on badminton and handball. Please make sure you have a change of indoor shoes for the rest of the day whilst you are in the classroom and school building and that all of your kit is labelled with your name. Remember earrings must be covered or removed and hair, shoulder-length or longer, needs to be tied back. PLEASE - make sure you have the correct PE kit and in the school colours


In Eagle Owls, we have an extensive range of exciting books which you are more than welcome to borrow and enjoy at home or in the classroom. We have a signing out book which you can fill in with the book you would like to borrow to help us keep track of our lovely books. Once you have returned this book, you can then sign up for a new one. You are also welcome to bring in your own books from home. I would suggest writing your name in the front so we can easily return it to you if it wanders around the classroom. 

We encourage you to continue your reading journey at home and request that your family continue book conversations with you. Grown-ups please initial their reading diary to show that they have been reading at least three times every week. Your reading diary will be checked each week. 


We will work on our spelling in class during our early morning work and on a weekly informal spelling test. For those of us who find spelling a little difficult, a mixture of year 5/6 and individual spelling words will be given. 

Class Reading Book

This term we will continue to read 'Beetle Boyby MG Leonard. We have a copy for every child.

Ready and waiting for them.


Every Friday you will receive a sheet with short tasks or questions relating to our lessons in SPaG, maths and English. Each task can be completed on its own. Therefore, hopefully, it will make it easier to do for those of you who are busy with out-of-school activities. Please attempt each task but always ask me for help if you are unsure. Homework will be handed out on a Thursday/Friday and should be placed in the homework tray by the following Wednesday.

Mrs Green will teach on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Miss Wells will teach on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Miss Sharples will be in class with us every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Miss B will be in class with us on a Tuesday and Friday.


We are really looking forward to supporting you throughout this year, so please come and talk to us if you have any worries, however great or small. If you would like to find out more about our learning this term, then have a look at the topic-web below. 


If your grown-ups have any queries or concerns this term, they are more than welcome to contact me via the school office at or come and speak to me at the end of the day.


Here's to a great year.

Mrs Green


The Eagle Owl Team