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Hawk Owls Y6

Welcome to Hawk Owls!

'When given the choice between being right, and being kind, choose kind.'


I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are feeling refreshed and ready for a new term.


For this term, our PE days will be on Mondays and Tuesdays - please come to school dressed in your PE kit on these days. Please make sure you are wearing your correct school uniform and PE kit at all times - information about this can be found under the parents’ page. 


Homework will be set on Thursdays/Fridays to be handed in on the following Wednesday - if you need any help, please let me know BEFORE your homework is due in! I am always happy to help. This year, rather than sending a parentmail to let you know what your homework is, I’ll be sending home a sheet explaining the homework task (I’m much more likely to remember to do that than send a parentmail!). 


Our book this term is Wonder - one of my personal favourites and one I can’t wait to share with you all. We have enough copies of this in school, but if you’d like to bring your own in, please make sure it is labelled so we can find it if it goes missing. Please remember to read at least three times a week and write this in your diary - the adults in Y6 will check these on Tuesdays. Even though you're in the last year of primary school (!), it is still important that your parents sign these - they may need gentle reminders! 


The term’s spellings can be found below and will be handed out in the first week of school - our spelling tests and lessons will take place on Tuesdays. 

As we are in Year 6, we will be doing a lot of consolidating of learning from Key Stage Two - please find below some learning resources that may help you at home, with some terminology and methods that are used in school. Also remember to ask any adult at school for help if you need it - that’s what we’re all here for. There will also be spare learning/additional challenges if you would like to take these home to help you - you don’t need to ask for these, please just help yourself! At home, practising your times tables will still be incredibly helpful - please continue to use TTRS. 

If you have any questions or need to speak about anything at all, then please catch me at the end of the day or email the office. 

Miss Dearn